rom her Edinburgh University office, Professor Shannon Vallor is planning a revolution. She’s coming for the Tech Bros: the Elon Musks and Mark Zuckerbergs.

Her battleground is artificial intelligence. Vallor wants us – ordinary people – to wrest back control of AI, perhaps the most important technology on Earth today, from mega-corporations like Twitter, Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft and OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT.

Vallor is one of the world’s most distinguished AI ethicists. She is professor in the ethics of data and artificial intelligence, and a director at the Edinburgh Futures Institute. Big tech should fear her. She was once Google’s AI ethicist, so knows these giant corporations intimately.

If big tech is allowed to dominate AI, humanity is in trouble, Vallor believes. We’ll cede control of our lives to corporations which only care about profit and power.

If big tech is tamed, however, AI can be repurposed for what Vallor calls “human flourishing”.

Vallor lays out her manifesto in a highly-anticipated new book, published next week, called The AI Mirror: How To Reclaim Our Humanity in An Age Of Machine Thinking. It’s an indispensable guide to understanding the technology that’s going to have sweeping influence over all our lives.

Lees verder: https://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/24346392.scottish-professor-calls-revolution-tech-billionaires/ (The Herald)